Optic fiber is made transmission channel from glass or plastic used for the transmission of signal light from a place to other place. Light exist in difficult optic fiber go out because refractive index from bigger glass than refractive index from the air. Light source used by laser because having very narrow spectrum. Speed of Transmission of optic fiber very high so that very good used as a communications channel. Optic fiber is generally used in telecommunications system and also in illumination, censor, and image optic.

Optic fiber consisted of 2 shares that are cladding and core. Cladding is shroud from core. Cladding has the lower refractive index from [at] core. Later, part of this core will bounce to return the light instructing exit from core return into core again. As note, efficiency from optic fiber determined by parity from materials of glass compiler. Progressively purification of glass materials, progressively a few absorbent light by optic fiber.
Reliabilities from determinable optic fiber with set of BER or Beet Error Rate. One of the back part of optic fiber given the certain data input and other back part release that data. With the low laser intensity and Longley fiber reach some km, hence will yield the mistake. Amount of the time association mistake named BER. Knowingly of BER hence, amount of mistake optic fiber which is equal to different length can be estimated the level of.