Friday, July 4, 2008


Duplex is a term in the field of telecommunications which refer to communications two directions.
There are two method duplexing, namely:

• Full-duplex
• Half-duplex


In communications full-duplex, two side which communicating each other will deliver the information and accept the same information during, and generally require two communications band
Communications Full-Duplex also can be reached for by using technique multiplexing, where signal which walk with the different direction will be put down time slot different. This Technique weakness this technique cut the transmission speed which possible becomes half.


Represent a communications mode where data earn the transmission or accepted in two directions but cannot by together. Simplest example of walkie-talkie, where its two consumers have to depress a knob when converse, to discharging the knob when hear. When two people use the walkie-talkie to communicate one certain time, only one of them able to converse whereas while another hear. If the two trying to converse at a time, condition of “collision" both of the walkie-talkie consumer cannot listening each other what both delivering.

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